MM Podcast Episode 017: Getting Your Marketing Message Out Using Storytelling with Arnold Tijerina (transcript)

This is a transcript of MM Podcast Episode 017: Getting Your Marketing Message Out Using Storytelling with Arnold Tijerina.

Ashley: Welcome to episode 17 of the motorcar marketing podcast. In this episode’s main segment, I’m going to be talking with Arnold Tijerina. Arnold is an expert at using storytelling in marketing. Using stories is a great way to get your marketing message out there. If you’re not using storytelling in your marketing, you’re not going to want to miss this interview so stay tuned for that.


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A couple of quick notes, any websites or links that I mention in the podcast can be found on the website in the show notes. I also publish a transcript of every episode so in case you’d rather read the show or look at something later on. You can find all the podcast show notes at and then just look for episode 17.


We recently put together a great free guide for car dealers called The Quick Start Auto Dealer Marketing Guide. You can get it by going to It’s completely free. You just put in your email address, and the lessons will be emailed to you over the course of the next few days. We’ve tried to concentrate on the high-leverage things you can do with each marketing channel so you can get the maximum results in the shortest amount of time. We’ll be adding more lessons to this guide in the future, but to start out we’ll show you how to increase your ROI and sell more cars on craigslist, how to quickly set up a Google Pay Per Click campaign, how to begin generating leads from local search engine optimization and how to effectively use email marketing to generate leads and correspond with your past customers. Again, this guide is completely free. Just go to


So now, let’s get into the main segment. Today I’m talking with Arnold Tijerina about using storytelling to help get your marketing message out. Here is the interview.


Ashley: Welcome, Arnold, to the motorcar marketing podcast. I really appreciate you coming on the show.


Arnold: Hey, thanks, Ashley. I appreciate you having me.


Ashley: So to start out, I wonder if you could give us a quick overview of your career and how you got into the automotive industry and automotive marketing?


Arnold: Well, I mean, essentially I don’t think I have a story much different than many people. I never grew up going “hey, I want to sell cars. I want to get into the automotive industry.” The bottom line was I was out of college and I needed a job 12 years ago in 2002. I needed a job and—you know, just like today, there was an ad that said like 2000-dollar-a-month guarantee or whatever come sell cars, all the good stuff, right? Those ads still exist today as want ads. And so I went to the car dealership and applied and got hired and found that even without any training initially, I was pretty successful at it, and I was making a good living. And then it escalated like that. Once you get the car bug, most people in this industry understand that, it’s hard to stop being a retail car guy. It’s like it’s in your blood or it’s not, right? People come into our industry, and they either succeed or fail. Some of the average people will stay around. Anyway, I went to work for a dealership, sold cars there for about six months and then I was recruited by an Infinity dealer. I went to work there and rose through the ranks there until I was the Internet director and worked for them for a while, moved to another auto group, was Internet director for seven stores and then was recruited back by the same general manager and worked with that dealer group which is one of the larger dealer groups in California, but they also have the number one new car Honda dealership in the world. From there I went into the vendor side and I went to work for Home net Automotive for about a year and a half, and essentially at that point my career kind of dictated itself. I went to work for another marketing agency and then relocated from California to Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and when that position ended, I just started doing contract work. It was never really my intention to continue to do contract work but people were approaching me and I was getting enough work to not only live but increasingly live better to the point where it wasn’t economically feasible for me to seek out employment again anymore. In my career I’ve worked for driving sales—the organization Driving Sales and Digital Dealer, and I’ve been involved in helping organize creative contents for 19 conferences now in the last five years, ranging from small ADA ones to the bigger ones like Digital Dealer conference or the Driving Sales executive summit. So I’ve gotten to know a lot of people out of that and make a lot of connections.


Ashley: So One of the things that I really liked about your message was the use of storytelling in marketing. I wonder if you can give us some insight into how storytelling can connect with an audience and how people can use it in their marketing messages?


Arnold: Well, you know, storytelling isn’t anything new. I mean, people have been telling stories since time began, essentially stories that someone at some point in time left for somebody else. Before there was writing, someone had to teach the kid that the saber-toothed tiger was going to eat them, right? So I’m sure some father, however they communicated as a caveman had to relay that to their kin or whatever. But the point is that storytelling isn’t a new concept. I think, you know, it kind of peaked, and then it kind of fell behind the radar. Content marketing became like the thing, and essentially storytelling and content marketing, a lot of people equate those. They say storytelling marketing is content marketing, and I don’t believe they’re synonymous. I believe storytelling marketing is a component of content marketing, but it’s not the same as content marketing. Content marketing is everything you put out into the universe, whether that is social media, blog articles, podcasts, I mean, anything your business produces, even advertisements, TV commercials, that’s all content. You know, so that’s all content marketing. Now in the more traditional view of our definition of content marketing, people when they hear that they’re thinking more along the lines of blog articles and stuff like that. I mean, I think that’s podcasts. Traditionally that’s what people think about when you say those words, but in reality, content marketing is all content, anything that a dealership or a business produces. So the concept behind storytelling—and you know, for a long time maybe decades or hundreds of years—people have understood—I mean, you can go back and there is research and whole books written on this. People have understood that stories affect other people. In fact, human beings live our lives by stories. You go to school; you meet your friends. The first thing you do is hey what happened, right? What’s been going on in your life? I mean, you want to catch up right? Well, how do you do that? You tell stories right? They’re telling you a story. What’s social media? All social media is about is listening to other people’s stories or telling your own story. From the smallest status update on Facebook to a video of a clip of an event in your life, whether it’s your child’s first steps or whatever, it’s essentially telling the story to your friends or whoever is listening. Recently—and I say recently meaning in this millennium—is that right? In the 1900’s actually in like the mid 1900’s, there started to be actual science behind storytelling like storytelling affected us biologically. When we hear stats, when we hear statistics, and to parallel this kind of with automotive, this would be like your features and benefits. Okay, you’re telling about this is our car, and it has 600 horse power or whatever. I don’t know anything about cars but very successful about selling them. I just read the window sticker and didn’t let the consumer know I was doing that, but I’m not a gadget person or a tech guy. I mean, I’m a gadget person like techie but not a car person as far as knowing all that stuff. Anyway, my point is that there are different parts of your brain, and the part of your brain that processes data is different than the part of your brain that processes stories. It’s like sitting in a lecture. If you went to college there were different kinds of lectures right? You sit in one and the professor’s up there rattling off this data in a stream of endless data, with no contact and nothing to kind of put it together for you, you remember a lot less of it. Storytelling activates all the parts of your brain that would be activated in that story. So if there is—just like when you read a book or you watch a movie. The horror movie—that’s a good example—the horror movies right? If you’re a fan of horror movies whether it’s paranormal activity or any of these other movies, I mean, you go and you know that this stuff’s not real, the blood, the guts—all that stuff’s not real, but why do people keep jumping? Why do people scream? It’s because you get emotionally connected to the story. You’re experiencing it with all your sense right? When that girl’s walking through the woods in the dark, and you know the bad guy’s there and we know the bad guy’s there. When he finally comes, we’re still scared. Intellectually we know this isn’t real. We know we’re not in any danger, but if the same thing were storytelling in marketing, science has actually put people under MRI scans and when the MRI machine, when they were listening to a story, the scan showed that their brain activity was not reflected as a spectator but as a participant in the story. So they were experiencing these stories with all their senses. That’s like I said, even when you’re reading a good book and there’s a lot of description and you visualize yourself in the story. When they have eyes in there, you know, there’s dialog in the story, you’re listening. It’s easier for people to remember stories because of that, because you’re using more senses, and it creates an emotional connection with your audience.


Ashley: Let’s bring it back and start maybe trying to talk about a specific example for car dealers like, as an example, what if the dealership is sending out emails to leads that have gone cold, how can they incorporate storytelling into something like that?


Arnold: Well, I mean, leads that have gone cold, I mean, hopefully you’re incorporating storytelling into leads that aren’t cold, but I mean, leads in the beginning because by the time they’re cold, they may or may not care at that point. Do you know what I mean? They’ve already bought a car, whatever. I mean, you may have harassed them—and when I say harassed them, call them until they buy or die or email them forever right? As a marketer and as a dealership, I understand it’s a numbers game, that’s why people are doing it, but on the opposite side, if a telemarketer was doing that to us—I’m a GM and some telemarketer was calling me every day, it would be annoying. Would it make me want to do business with them more or less? Ultimately if you want to use the example of storytelling in automotive, a great example is the Ford Focus campaign—I don’t know if Scott Monty, a very smart guy was involved in this or not—but basically Ford, if you remember gave drivers—they let people drive around in Focuses and gave them video cameras and pretty much let them film stuff—well, the reason that that’s storytelling is it’s focused on the experience that the drivers are having. It’s focused on their journey and the things that have happened to them along this journey, not so much about the Focus. So businesses try too hard to control the message that people hear and ultimately consumers are going to dictate the message that they want to hear. Does that make sense?


Ashley: It does. I chose perhaps the leads that have gone cold because it would be a really tough example, but maybe we could back it up and just try and get into some specific examples, Ford dealership. I mean, Ford has a lot of resources; it’s a little bit of a different—but something—since mostly who is going to be listening to this will be like the man on the street car dealership. Maybe there are just some examples we could talk about using storytelling in their marketing message, you know, maybe that comes out on social media, maybe that comes out in blog posts. As I said, email, it seems like something a lot of dealerships utilize email so I was thinking that might be a good place to start, but just some concrete examples I think.


Arnold: Okay. Well, people know—how do I say this—so people know that when they come in, let’s say they’re at your dealership and they’re shopping and they’re trying to do I buy a Ford or do I buy a Toyota? And then they narrow that down and then they come to see you, I mean who do I buy it from? They submit the lead and then they get responses or someone calls them or they don’t call them, but the point is that during the process and even before the process, dealerships should be crafting their story via every channel that they can—you know—through their email campaigns, but if you’re going to tell a story to somebody through an email campaign, it has to be a relevant story. You can’t send someone that just bought a car from me six months ago a message to buy a car. Does that make sense? I mean, you have to be relevant for them or they’re not going to care. So you really have to identify what motivates your customers and the way you figure out what they care about is by listening to them. What kinds of content should dealers be using or can dealers use to help craft a story? Well, first of all, you have your obvious one which is who we are in all respects, where we came from, who we are, what we believe in, what our values are—that kind of content.


Ashley: It’s a family business that’s been in the family for three generations.


Arnold: Yes. Stuff like that. Exactly. It’s like a why buy from us? And then you boil it down to the next on the salesperson level was a why buy from me. Well, people buy from people. You’ve heard that lots of times. Everybody says it; everyone knows it’s true. So why not make your business a person. Manufacturers, if they had their way, would turn dealerships into more like WalMarts; they would all look exactly the same. There would be no differentiation between any of them. You’d walk in; the showrooms would be the same. The same cars would be there in the same places; the lot would be the same so it’s getting more and more important in my opinion for dealers to start telling their stories if they’re not already because the more control and the more homogenized the dealerships get, the less important it is for a consumer to make a decision. You know, so I loved shopping at Nordstrom, but I don’t care what Nordstrom I shop at—do you know what I mean—I know that in all of the Nordstroms are going to carry the same stuff and it doesn’t matter which one I go to, I know I’m going to get excellent service and the products I get are going to be good quality. It’s like whatever’s the most convenient Nordstrom. Well, I think that dealerships are in peril of that happening to them with a lot of these changes the manufacturers are doing. The key behind storytelling is incorporating your product into a story so incorporating yourself. So how would you do that? A testimonial. That’s a great way of storytelling, a customer testimonial because you’re not telling your story, the customer’s telling your story. They’re telling other people about the experience they had with you. If they had a great experience—obviously you hope that they would let you film a testimonial, but regardless, they had a story and they’ll tell that story and that’s how you get into online reviews and stuff. Those are all customers of yours, of a dealer telling the dealership’s story. So if the dealerships don’t tell their story, the customers will, and they already are. So it’s like I heard someone in the automotive industry who is very well-respected and that I like a lot and am friends with recently wrote something about storytelling. In it his analogy was that storytelling was like the Blue Ray extras on a DVD. I totally disagree with that because if you’ve never seen a movie, you don’t care about the Blue Ray extras; you don’t care about the extra bonus features. You don’t care about those things until you’ve seen the story and then only if you like the story do you watch the Blue Ray extras. I mean, there are plenty of movies that I love. I love Star Wars, and I’ve never watched any of the bonus features. I’ve been a Star Wars fan since I was eight. I think that was back when I was born, I think that was when Star Wars was released. So the point is that you have to create a personality and who’s going to care most about your personality? Well, your community is, your customers. I mean, you’re right. The dealerships aren’t Ford; they’re not Toyota. They don’t have those resources, but they also don’t need to be trying to reach those people. They’re thinking so big that they’re losing focus on what’s important and that’s the people in their community. And you can use the community to create stories by getting involved. I mean, when I was at Riverside Infinity, I was a Harley guy. I had a Harley, and I was involved with a Harley dealership, but at first it wasn’t like I was involved with them or worked for them or anything, I just went on all the Harley rides, and I was a customer because I owned a Harley and stuff like that. Eventually it got to the point where we were actually sponsoring it. And I was paying for that out of my own pocket and using that content. Why would I do that? I mean, what does a Harley have to do with an Infinity? Well, on the surface, you would say nothing right? But if you really think about it, how much does a Harley cost? Most Harleys are pretty expensive, and that’s just where they start. So then people put thousands and thousands of dollars into these things and make it even more expensive so I’m selling a high-line car. Well, that’s my demographic. I started marketing to Harley dealerships and telling my story, and they would know my story. They came into me, they would see me not as the car salesman if you will, they would see me as the fellow Harley rider.


Ashley: Let’s dig into that a little bit. Tell me exactly what was your story to these Harley guys and exactly what was that? What did that look like?


Arnold: Harley aficionados come in all shapes and sizes right? And it’s one of those judging a book by your cover kind of thing. I think obviously if it’s a doctor who owns a Harley and he comes into the dealership dressed as a doctor would, you would expect someone like a doctor to look. He’s not going to have much of a problem, but you get some of these big guys that look like Hell’s Angels guys and they come into the dealership, they might get different service. I mean, I did put ads in the programs for the rides and stuff like that, but it wasn’t like you should buy an Infinity from me because I like Harleys, it had more to do about a very basic thing in any salesperson, it’s just letting people know what you do. I remember—and I’m sure every person that’s ever sold cars in their lives has had at least one point in time where someone who they know, a friend, a relative, someone bought a car from someone else, and they found out after the fact–they say why don’t you come and buy a car from me. They say because I didn’t know that you sold cars. If I’d known I’d have come to you, right? So it’s not just a dealership story, it’s a personal story. You know storytelling—your employees and dealership’s employees are the foundation of who they are. I mean, if you hire people that don’t believe in the values that you have or you have bad values, and those are the people who are at your store, they’re the people who are telling the stories and giving the experiences to the customers on a daily basis. So those are the stories that are leaving your store. What you want to do is you want to make sure that you’re using content that’s already there, where I started before about your base content as far as dealerships go. Your base content is the foundation, who we are, what we do, why we do it—that kind of thing. Then you get into a little deeper level which is the people who make us who we are. Who’s are service manager, who’s our service adviser. These are all things that you can incorporate into email campaigns right? I mean, the service director having like a little—I mean, people have caught on to video in emails as far as having a why buy from us type stuff where there is like why buy from our dealership or why buy from me as a salesperson and having like a YouTube video in a template that you send out to customers. Some people take it a step further like the Elise Kepharts of the world and film individual videos for all of their customers right which is awesome; that’s great. Not everyone has the tech knowledge even though it’s not hard. You talk to someone about making a video and they just look at you like a deer in the headlights. So the point is that dealerships don’t often continue the story. They started a story with the interaction because we have to interact with you first before we can get into that kind of story. You can be pumping out on your Facebook page and then videos, stuff about your story like general kinds of stuff, but when a customer interacts with you, now you want to talk about why you want to buy from us, why you want to buy from me. But then what happens is, I buy a car and then usually the story stops. So you have to continue the story. So now you want to introduce them to the service manager, I mean, most dealerships have a service walk. That’s part of like a delivery process. You take them and introduce them to the service adviser, stuff like that. Sometimes that’s overload, just not really considered that important. Maybe they’re not there; they’re closed. It’s a late night deal. Service is closed. Why wouldn’t you have like a why service here and have the service director talk about–you know–or talk about the techs—you know—why do I work here? Why do I like working here?


Ashley: And you’re talking about hopefully a video or at the very least some sort of email that has maybe their picture, some quotes from them, but ideally a video that kind of explains who they are and what they do and why they like working there.


Arnold: Sure. Oh absolutely. Those all contribute to the story and customers—like I said—you want your customers to help you tell your story. I mean, that’s way more powerful for a customer to tell your story than it is for you to tell your story. I mean, that’s where you—like I said, the power of reviews, you know, the power in social media. People trust their friends. There has been stuff floating around recently about social media doesn’t sell cars and auto trader just came out with a study that said like Millennials don’t consider social media in their car shopping, but I think the wrong questions are answered. I mean, just like any survey, you can ask questions that lead you to answer a certain way. I don’t know what the question was, I just know that’s what their study said. I mean, I see it every day where people are asking advice on what kinds of cars they should buy. I’ve seen Grant Cardone ask what kind of car he should buy for his wife. Here’s this guy with millions of followers—I don’t know how many followers he has but a lot—and he’s a very popular guy. He’s asking for car buying advice on social media. This guy’s got to be connected to more car dealers than any normal person already. He has clients that are car dealers and he’s asking people on Facebook what kind of car he should buy. I’m not talking about where he should buy a car—he wasn’t even going there. He was going what kind of car he should buy because that’s where it starts right? You know, that’s ultimately where it starts and by telling your story, your brand is going to tell the brand’s story, what I like to call the brand story. That’s their job. Their job is to convince the world that they should buy a Toyota or that they should buy a Honda. Your job as a dealership is to show people why they should buy from you vs. your competitor.


Ashley: Let’s talk quickly about just sort of disseminating some of this stuff and, you mentioned Facebook and social media and stuff, you know, email. Maybe just give us a quick rundown of some sort of practical tips about how to get this stuff out there and what would go where and—you know-just some technical stuff so people can kind of maybe put this into action.


Arnold: Well, I mean, video content you can put it on YouTube obviously, I mean, that’s going to be where you’re going to get some SEO benefits and stuff especially if it’s properly tagged and the description fields are filled in. And then, of course, you can then use that content on your social media sites and tweet it out and stuff like that. What dealers don’t do—a lot of dealers don’t do is they create all this great content and then hide it, meaning they have like external blogs. They don’t have links to their social media campaigns. They don’t acknowledge them. I mean, I had a client that was a dealer, my only dealer client, and I was brought in as a consultant initially. I couldn’t even find her Facebook page. I thought she didn’t have a Facebook page. And she did have one, but when it came down to it, it was just named inappropriately for their community. So basically all it took was a rebranding, but ultimately people do look on social media. People look at reviews. People look at all that kind of stuff so you want to make sure that your story is everywhere you can put it. And I know that’s not very specific, but if I had to focus and I had to give you five things or something, I would say you want to make sure you’re putting content—and when I say content, I mean content that your customers care about—and that’s what you get into insights and data and stuff like that. On Facebook, on YouTube, on Twitter, and Google-Plus are the most important in my opinion.


Ashley: And what about the dealership having a blog?


Arnold: Oh absolutely think a dealership should have a blog. The problem is that (1) Findings someone that can write in the dealership—and I guarantee you every dealership has somebody that can write. They may not know who that person is, but I guarantee you that they have somebody that can write. And then it’s what do I write about? I mean, that’s usually what I found people struggle with is like oh yeah, I need a blog but I don’t know what to write about. There are so many things in a dealership to write about. I mean, if anything, for all else if there is no other thing you can think of, just start by writing an employee spotlight for every employee, and if you want to make it really interesting and create a little foundation for a little teamwork exercise, have someone else write about someone else. So basically assign one article to every employee that has to be about a different employee, whether that’s via random draw or whatever. What does that do? Well, it gets people to know a lot about each other. It also gives you great content for blog articles and it’s great content for telling your story. And you put that on your blog. People do visit the about us pages of dealerships, I mean, believe it or not which amazes me why a lot of dealers don’t have things on there about us pages similar to service specials or whatever. That’s the easiest way is to go like at Thanksgiving, I mean, you can talk about like get a little quote from everybody like what are you thankful for. You can do everything from very personal to little stories about being involved in the community to little stories about customers buying cars. I mean, there are lots of interesting customer stories that you know. You know that this person was challenged and you helped them through a lot of stuff and they got a car and they’re super grateful. That’s a story that could be told that is not being told. And when you’re talking about people with challenged credit, those are the people that will help you tell your story the most because you’re the one that helped them. They really feel like you helped them. It seems as if they’re the most often ignored, but they’re the ones that refer you the most business. I think any dealer will tell you that. You just get this person financed and they’re like all of a sudden, my brother needs a car and my aunt needs a car and my uncle needs a car. They probably have bad credit too, but that’s proactive. Those are all people that are potential stories.


Ashley: Let’s talk a minute about your website storytailor. It’s got a unique spelling with Maybe just kind of tell us what you’re site is about and what services you offer.


Arnold: Well, storytailer is basically based off of my belief in storytelling and everything I do, building personalities for businesses and making a business more of a person than an entity, trying to give them a face as a business. What I do is I mainly work with vendors to car dealers. Like I said, I have one dealer client and she’s a friend of mine. It started as a consulting thing and it just kind of continued from there, but it also helps me kind of keep track of things on the retail side and how social media is working on that end as well. But as far as what I do, I’ve found that a lot of vendors in automotive space—I’m not talking about bigger vendors, I’m talking about smaller vendors that may not have in-house marketing departments or whatever. They understand the importance of getting their names out there and getting their content out there and telling their story, they just don’t have time to do it because they’re really focused on creating the best product that they can or the best service that they can for their dealer clients. So one of the things I do is I just help them—I come in and I find out what their needs are in that department because some of them are like really good at social media but they’re not really good at content writing, stuff like that. So I’ll find out what their needs are and just help them fill those needs. I stay involved in the community. I’m on the dealer advisory cancel with Tracy Meyers, his unfair advantage to automotive mastermind group. So I try to stay in the community and help dealers in any way I can even though I’m not really—I don’t really seek out dealers for clients or anything.


Ashley: What’s the best way for people to keep up with what you’re doing and potentially contact you if they want to chat with you?


Arnold: Well, I mean, you could always visit my website at which has the weird spelling t a I l e r. My blog is on my website so I try to write interesting articles and things that aren’t as mainstream as other things. So I hope people find that interesting and there is a contact us form there. Or they can feel free to email me any time they want at So I’m happy to help any dealers who have questions or any of your listeners who have questions. As part of the automotive community I do feel it’s important to give back. Obviously I’m not looking to get paid for my advice. You know, I’d just be happy to help and answer questions.


Ashley: Perfect. Perfect. That’s great. I will link to all of this; I will link to your website so if people are in their cars or they can’t remember what it is, find the show notes. They can click directly over it and I’ll list your email address there. So, Arnold, you’ve been very generous with your time. I think this has been a great discussion. I think people could definitely get some value out of it and use storytelling more in their marketing message. It can really only help. So I really appreciate you coming on the podcast today.


Arnold: Thank you very much for having me.


Ashley: Hopefully you found the interview interesting today. I know I did. It got me thinking about my own marketing message. I mean, this podcasting in some ways is about storytelling, hearing other people’s stories. Usually at the end of the podcast, I quickly mention some of the great products and services that we offer at Motorcar Marketing. But today I’m going to talk about one of our key products, and I’m going to try and wrap it in a nice story. So I began working with car dealers about five years ago helping them post cars on craigslist. I’ve done marketing in a variety of different sectors, and I was doing craigslist marketing in a totally different niche that had nothing to do with cars. I got pretty good at posting on craigslist so I started looking around at what other industries could use this skill set, and of course the auto industry was the first obvious choice. So I started contacting car dealers here in Southern California and seeing if they needed any help posting their cars on craigslist, and, of course, I found many who did. What I immediately realized was that most of the car dealers sold them value on craigslist postings, but they really didn’t have the internal infrastructure to post nearly enough ads to make it worthwhile. Keep in mind this was long before the five-dollar-per-ad charge in the cars-by-dealers section. So it was really all about overposting and just getting up as many ads as you possibly could, and I could get up thousands of ads for car dealers. What I found even today is that many dealers still simply don’t keep up with the craigslist postings so paying a service like mine ensures that all their cars are always listed. So if you need any help with craigslist ads, please do let me know. I actually talk about some of the specifics of using craigslist in the free Quick Start guide you can find at as well as in episode 1 of the podcasts so do check those out too. That’s basically how motorcar marketing began.


In next week’s episode, I’m going to be talking with Sean Reiter from Dealer Engage. They have a great platform which can automate a ton of really complicated email sequences so keep an eye out for that episode.


So anyway, that’s our show; I hope you got some value out of it and it can help you grow your business. Thanks for listening.

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